Determining Your Realtor 

Choosing a realtor is a personal decision in the feel you have for them. Do you connect? Do you have confidence in them? That said, below are a few things to consider or discuss as you determine who will represent you:

  • How long have you been a realtor?

  • Will you be our main contact throughout the process?

  • What is your availability?

  • When you send listings, can we be assured they will meet our minimum requirements?

  • What is the purchase process, since things move so quickly?

  • Do you often identify homes pre-listing for sale?

  • How do you frame offers to make them as appealing to sellers as possible?

  • Do you require a buyer agreement? If so, I'm sure it would not happen, but can we cancel if we are not satisfied? It is extremely rare that a client will have grounds to fire a realtor. Simply speaking with them will typically clear up any issues.